Macro Diving at Catalina Island
Catalina Island, CA — January 2025
Catalina Island is not normally known for its macro life, but on this day trip I spotted a bunch of interesting small critters, several of which I had never seen before.
added 1/24/2025
Bluewater Diving, Palos Verdes, CA
Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA — July 2024
An assortment of strange, mostly gelatinous creatures from recent dives drifting in the chilly blue-green water over the deep canyon off the Southern California coast.
added 7/28/2024
2022 SoCal Diving So Far…
Palos Verdes and Catalina Island, CA — January-July 2022
Slugs, bugs and a few other critters from Palos Verdes and Catalina Island during the first half of 2022.
added 7/18/2022
Catalina Island, Summer 2021
Catalina Island, CA — July-September 2021
Catalina Island offers an abundance of beautiful kelp forests, a pinnacle covered in purple hydrocoral, calm sandy coves, and sea life ranging from giant sea bass and schooling fish to colorful nudibranchs and tiny amphipods. We saw all that and more in several trips there during the summer.
added 9/26/2021
Diving Palos Verdes – May, June, July 2021
Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA — May-July 2021
A few critters from the last few months of reef dives in Palos Verdes, California including a new-to-me color variation of one of my favorite little creatures, a podocerus amphipod.
added 8/9/2021
Even More Greenwater Diving – Palos Verdes, April 4, 2021
Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA — April 2021
We can’t get enough “greenwater” diving lately, so we hopped on the Giant Stride for some more. Many strange gelatinous creatures were spotted on this outing along with a mola mola.
added 4/10/2021
More Greenwater Diving – March 19, 2021
Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA — March 2021
We went back again on the Giant Stride for some more “greenwater” dives in the deep water off the PV coast and spotted lots of cool jellies and even had a flyby of some common dolphins.
added 3/23/2021
Palos Verdes Greenwater Diving – March 12, 2021 on the Giant Stride
Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA — March 2021
We went back out for some more "greenwater" dives in the deep water off the PV coast and found plenty of interesting creatures drifting around there, including undulating starfish larvae and alien-like phronima in their salp barrel homes.
added 3/23/2021
Palos Verdes Greenwater Diving – February 26, 2021 on the Giant Stride
Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA — February 2021
After almost 10 years of not seeing many midwater jellies, we heard a rumor that they had returned. So of course we went to check it out, and were excited to find an interesting array of pelagic drifters over 2400 feet of blue-green water.
added 3/8/2021
Diving Palos Verdes – Winter 2020-2021 So Far…Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA — December 2020 - February 2021
Three winter outings on the Giant Stride delivered lots of teeny bug-like amphipods and isopods as well as some beautiful less-commonly-seen nudibranchs. And of course, plenty of cold, green, surgy water.
added 2/8/2021
Palos Verdes Dives – October 2020 from the
Giant Stride
Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA — October 2020
Two more dive days in October brought us more of the usual Palos Verdes subjects: nudibranchs, snails, skeleton shrimps, juvenile pinto abalone and other small invertebrates.
added 11/7/2020
Diving the White Point Outfall Pipe on the Giant Stride, September 26, 2020
Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA — September 2020
Our good friend and dive buddy Walter has been trying to get us to dive the sewer outfall pipe at White Point for a while. This week we finally listened to him—and we’re glad we did! The pipe and surrounding rocks are covered with small fish, nudis, colorful snails and loads of juvenile abalone.
added 9/30/2020
Catalina Island on the Giant Stride,
September 19, 2020
Catalina Island, CA — September 2020
A trip out to one of our Channel Islands looking for California mantis shrimps. We found a bunch, along with orangethroat pikeblennies and some other nice video subjects.
added 9/23/2020
Hot Summer Days Diving on the Cool Palos Verdes Reefs
Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA — August/September 2020
A highlight reel from our most recent two days out on the Giant Stride. I shot mostly the itty bitty critters as usual, including a pretty red-banded snapping shrimp I had never seen before.
added 9/8/2020
Diving the Palos Verdes Reefs on the Giant Stride, August 15, 2020
Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA — August 2020
Another day out on our local reefs on our favorite boat with our favorite dive buddies. As usual, I spent my dives searching out and shooting nudibranchs and other teeny weeny subjects.
added 8/18/2020
Cold and Green on July 17, Palos Verdes on the Giant Stride
Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA — July 2020
50℉ water and 10 foot visibility didn’t stop our intrepid group from spotting some nice nudibranchs and other tiny critters, and I had another special find with a rarely-seen-around-here Trapania velox at the very end of the last dive.
added 7/22/2020
4th of July on the Giant Stride
Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA — July 2020
Another day out on the Giant Stride diving the reefs of Palos Verdes brought more nudibranchs, some teeny tiny amphipods, and lots of socially-distanced fun!
added 7/9/2020
June 26, 2020 on the Giant Stride
Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA — June 2020
One of my best nudi spotting days in a long time! On this day on the Giant Stride our group spotted more than 20 species of nudibranchs in 3 dives in the Palos Verdes area, including the beautiful and rarely-seen Babakina festiva. Some teeny tiny crustaceans and a baby swell shark wiggling in its egg case rounded out a wonderful dive day.
added 6/29/2020
Diving Palos Verdes on the Giant Stride
Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA — June 2020
Our favorite captain and good friend Jim took my Bill and me out on a private charter for a couple of dives off Palos Verdes. It was our first time in the water since February, and it was great to get our gills wet and visit some of the macro critters we both love!
added 6/4/2020
April 28, 2019 on the Giant Stride
Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA — April 2019
A day trip to Hawthorne Reef and Biodome on the Giant Stride brought sightings of some of my favorite nudibranchs.
added 5/29/2020
Santa Cruz Island on the Vision
Northern Channel Islands, CA — September 2018
Weather prevented us from getting out to San Miguel Island for this annual 3-day dive trip on the Vision, but we found lots of fun subjects in the protected bays of California’s largest island.
added 5/29/2020
Diving Palos Verdes on the Giant Stride
Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA — July 2018
International Polychaete Day seemed like a good excuse to go out for a day of diving on the Giant Stride, so out we went in search of polychaetes (segmented marine worms) and other tiny denizens of our offshore reefs.
added 5/29/2020
Santa Cruz Island on the Peace
Northern Channel Islands, CA — May 2018
Our curse against getting to Santa Barbara Island holds strong (we’ve still never been there!) as this day trip on the Peace was diverted to Santa Cruz Island instead. We still found plenty of nice macro subjects and even a pretty little horn shark to keep us happy.
added 5/29/2020
Channel Islands 3-Day on the Vision
Northern Channel Islands, CA — September 2017
Two days at rugged San Miguel Island plus stops at Santa Cruz and Anacapa Islands on the way back made for another wonderful multi-day trip on the dive boat Vision.
added 5/30/2020
Palos Verdes on the Giant Stride
Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA — August 2017
We found lots of pretty nudibranchs and some other nice subjects on a day trip to Hawthorne Reef and White Point on the Giant Stride.
added 5/30/2020
Diving San Miguel Island on the Vision
San Miguel Island, Channel Islands, CA — September 2016
San Miguel is the westernmost of the Channel Islands and is often inaccessible due to wind and rough seas. The dive sites there are lush, rugged and beautiful, and often harbor subjects normally seen only at more northerly spots. We were fortunate to spend 3 full days there on the dive boat Vision with a great group of divers.
added 10/4/2016
Channel Islands 3-Day
Northern Channel Islands, CA — August 2016
Santa Cruz, San Miguel and Anacapa Islands on the excellent Peace Dive Boat, including both underwater shots and gorgeous drone footage provided by Immersed Imaging's Michael Zeigler.
added 9/1/2016
Three Days on the Peace
Northern Channel Islands, CA — August 2015
San Miguel and Santa Cruz Islands were the locations for this trip on on the Peace Dive Boat with Immersed Imaging. There we found a bunch of the types of colorful teeny tiny subjects that I love to shoot.
added 6/2/2020
San Miguel and Santa Cruz on the Conception
Northern Channel Islands, CA — April 2015
The highlight of this trip on the Conception with Immersed Imaging was the sighting of several large Dendronotus iris, also know as rainbow nudibranchs, which prey on tube anemones by sneaking up next to them and pouncing right into the middle, often getting pulled part way into the tube in the process.
added 6/2/2020
December 29, 2013 on the Giant Stride
Santa Monica Bay and Palos Verdes, CA — December 2013
Three of our favorite sites, Redondo Barge, Hawthorne Reef and Haggerty’s Crane, were the locations for this day trip on the Giant Stride.
added 6/2/2020
Macro Life of the Northern Channel Islands
Northern Channel Islands, CA — October 2013
This two-day trip on the Truth hit San Miguel, Santa Rosa and Santa Cruz Islands, where we found lots of cool little fish, nudibranchs and crustaceans, including California’s answer to ladybug amphipods.
added 6/2/2020
Diving Southern California: from Pinnipeds to Amphipods
Channel Islands, CA and the SoCal Coast — 2010-2012
Highlights of our Southern California dives from 2010 to 2012 featuring both large animal life and macro critters
added 6/1/2012
© 2020-2025 Nannette and Bill Van Antwerp